There was an error loading the audio recording, what should I do? When loading an audio recording, an error occurred “try refreshing the VK page” - reasons and what to do? What should I do if I have a Windows Phone, the audio won’t load, it gives me an error

All Runet users, from children to the elderly, have had a personal page on the Internet for many years. social network"In contact with". Some see this as a great way to communicate with friends and family; for some, VKontakte is a way to earn money or, on the contrary, relax by watching movies online and listening to their favorite music.

Unknown errors in VKontakte music playback

Unfortunately, not a single social The network in the world cannot work without possible errors, breakdowns and other troubles. This is sometimes very frustrating for users who, for example, want to relax a little while listening to their favorite songs. But it often happens that suddenly an error occurs when loading an audio recording. It's funny, but people react very differently to this situation. Some people start looking for reasons from their computer: clearing the cache, removing certain filters, etc. Others are overcome by outright panic, which forces them to write to the support service. Well, the third type agrees to simply wait until the disappointing message “an error occurred while loading the audio recording, try refreshing the page” disappears. Each user in this situation is right in his own way, but in any case there are a couple of general recommendations for such a case.

Problems caused by the user

1. Be sure to check for an updated version Adobe Flash Player on your computer. Very often this is where the whole problem lies. Often, if an error occurs while loading an audio recording, it is the unupdated Flash Player that is to blame.

2. The most common but sometimes effective method may be to use another browser or completely restart the computer. By the way, if an error occurred when loading an audio recording in only one browser, it may be worth reinstalling it or updating it to a more modern version. If this does not help, check its compatibility with your device.

Computer error

1. One of the main reasons may be slow Internet speed, which simply does not allow the VKontakte playlist to play well and without errors. On special online resources you can check the speed of incoming and outgoing traffic or consult with your provider by phone or online support service.

2. It happens that users, trying to protect their computer, install anti-virus programs. This may also be the answer to the question why an error occurred when loading the audio recording. VKontakte is a popular social network. a network that many programs mistake for a malicious site without good reason, and this ban can only be canceled using the anti-virus system settings.

3. It also happens that the parameters of your operating system may not accept some files that the computer encounters. Check thoroughly all the specified sound settings and the compatibility of all drivers. Usually this takes very little time, but the result is not long in coming, and soon the music begins to play again without any problems in normal mode.

Site problems

1. And the sixth reason, which we, ordinary users, unfortunately, cannot influence, is problems with the site servers themselves, because they store very large amounts of information, which is sometimes difficult for technology to cope with. Do not rush to contact support, as most likely they have already been notified and are trying to correct all errors and inconveniences as quickly as possible.

It’s very good if you solved the problem when an error occurred while loading an audio recording. Remember that this is the most common, very small problem that should be correctly solved once, put an end to it and forget it forever!

It is difficult to imagine a user who would not want all the actions he planned to happen perfectly. But, if it was not possible to avoid troubles, and a VKontakte error occurred when loading an audio recording, there is only one thing left to do: deal with the difficulties that have arisen. But before that, you need to understand the reasons for what happened. The following can cause problems:

  • incorrect format of the uploaded file;
  • conflicts between the site and connected plugins;
  • outdated version of browser or application;
  • outdated version of the player;
  • problems on the server;
  • incorrect security settings;
  • errors in the protocol.

Of the listed causes of problems, only problems on the server cannot be fixed with my own hands. In other cases, it is enough to be patient and willing to deal with difficulties in order to understand the current situation. Users do not expect anything complicated.

The most difficult thing will be for those individuals who see error code 0 on the monitor in VK. They will not be able to restore normal operation of the social network on their own, since the appearance of such a message indicates a malfunction of the servers. Typically, the mentioned entry appears after large-scale updates, when developers are unable to immediately synchronize the operation of all involved systems, and some of its parts turn out to be incompatible.

The only way to deal with such a failure is to wait. Neither changing the file format nor rebooting will help restore network operation. Adding audio recordings, photos and videos will remain unavailable.

What should I do if VK says “an error occurred while loading the audio recording”?

If an error occurs while downloading an audio recording, you should:

  1. restart your computer, Android or iPhone;
  2. make sure that the format and size of the downloaded file meets the requirements, and if necessary, convert the recording to mp3;
  3. update the application on your smartphone or browser on your computer and laptop (updating and enabling automatic update occurs in the application or browser settings);
  4. try to change the browser (even the Yandex browser will do);
  5. temporarily disable the involved plugins and try downloading again;
  6. go to the social network settings and in the “Security” section, check the box next to the item mentioning “encrypted connection”;
  7. go to the network connection settings on your PC and uncheck the ipv item

In the event that the listed measures do not help correct the current situation, and the error persists, the last option remains. It consists of contacting VKontakte support agents. But, having decided to write to contact center, you should be patient, because the first thing the operators will do is to perform the actions already listed above. Only after making sure that they do not help, consultants will try to find other ways to deal with difficulties.

All Runet users, from children to the elderly, have had a personal page on the VKontakte social network for many years. Some see this as a great way to communicate with friends and family; for some, VKontakte is a way to earn money or, on the contrary, relax by watching movies online and listening to their favorite music.

Unknown errors in VKontakte music playback

Unfortunately, not a single social The network in the world cannot work without possible errors, breakdowns and other troubles. This is sometimes very frustrating for users who, for example, want to relax a little while listening to their favorite songs. But it often happens that suddenly an error occurs when loading an audio recording. It's funny, but people react very differently to this situation. Some people start looking for reasons from their computer: clearing the cache, removing certain filters, etc. Others are overcome by outright panic, which forces them to write to the support service. Well, the third type agrees to simply wait until the disappointing message “an error occurred while loading the audio recording, try refreshing the page” disappears. Each user in this situation is right in his own way, but in any case there are a couple of general recommendations for such a case.

Problems caused by the user

1. Be sure to check for an updated version of Adobe Flash Player on your computer. Very often this is where the whole problem lies. Often, if an error occurs while loading an audio recording, it is the unupdated Flash Player that is to blame.

2. The most common but sometimes effective method may be to use another browser or completely restart the computer. By the way, if an error occurred when loading an audio recording in only one browser, it may be worth reinstalling it or updating it to a more modern version. If this does not help, check its compatibility with your device.

Computer error

1. One of the main reasons may be slow Internet speed, which simply does not allow the VKontakte playlist to play well and without errors. On special online resources you can check the speed of incoming and outgoing traffic or consult with your provider by phone or online support service.

2. It happens that users, trying to protect their computer, install anti-virus programs. This may also be the answer to the question why an error occurred when loading the audio recording. VKontakte is a popular social network. a network that many programs mistake for a malicious site without good reason, and this ban can only be canceled using the anti-virus system settings.

3. It also happens that the settings of your operating system may not accept some files that the computer has to deal with. Check thoroughly all the specified sound settings and the compatibility of all drivers. Usually this takes very little time, but the result is not long in coming, and soon the music begins to play again without any problems in normal mode.

Site problems

1. And the sixth reason, which we, ordinary users, unfortunately, cannot influence, is problems with the site servers themselves, because they store very large amounts of information, which is sometimes difficult for technology to cope with. Do not rush to contact support, as most likely they have already been notified and are trying to correct all errors and inconveniences as quickly as possible.

It’s very good if you solved the problem when an error occurred while loading an audio recording. Remember that this is the most common, very small problem that should be correctly solved once, put an end to it and forget it forever!

In contact withloading error, troubleshooting

When trying to log into the VKontakte social network, users may be deprived of this opportunity due to an error. The pop-up window usually indicates the error number and a small text to help diagnose the problem. In contact withloading error can be eliminated using standard Windows tools.

If the site does not load on VK, then first you should check if there is internet. If available, try to solve the problem by accessing the website from another browser. A positive result indicates a problem with the program that needs to be cleaned or reinstalled. Sometimes you just need to wait a while due to a reboot of the VKontakte server, which happens extremely rarely. VKontakte has encountered an error for another reason, namely, the specified login and password are not accepted. You need to make sure that you entered them correctly. However, if this notification is repeated, then your account has been hacked (we will tell you what to do in this case), and your data has been changed. Availability of the page is also returned by phone number. High-quality and inexpensive promotion on VKontakte is available at link .

To do this, click on the “Forgot your password?” link, then indicate the phone number to which this page is registered. After clicking on the “Next” button, you need to reproduce the designations from the picture and confirm whether this is your page. Having received the code by phone, enter it in the specified field and click “Change password”, which is what you should do. To avoid hacking, install an antivirus if you don’t have one, or keep it updated. In addition, if as a result of your search you find the vkontakte.exe program on your computer (this is a fake program that contains errors and has come to you), then delete it. In addition, you should edit host file, apparently changed under the influence of the virus. You can get likes for photos and posts on VKontakte by ordering this service .

You will need the etc folder. A quick search is performed by entering the following entry into the address bar of Explorer - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. There is a hosts file that can be opened using Notepad, one of the standard programs. Except for line 1127. 0.0. 1localhost, you can delete everything and save the file. If saving is not carried out, first select “Properties”, then “Security”. After that, click “Change”. In the new window, check all the boxes in the “Allow” column and click “Apply”. Now you can edit the hosts file and save it. After this, the access rights should be returned to their place for security reasons. After these steps, you need to restart the computer - and access to VKontakte is free. Additional information, if VKontakte does not open, you can find it.

Audio recording errorIn contact with

At least once you could see the message “An error occurred while loading the audio recording” in the window. To do this, you need to refresh the page by clearing the cache (F5 key or Ctrl+R combination) so that audio recording errorIn contact with was eliminated. If In contact withwrites an error, then you now have enough information to eliminate it. You can add subscribers with high-quality accounts to the VKontiakte group on this

Today we will talk about a very common problem. You probably have an account on the social network VKontakte, and therefore you are well aware of this problem - sometimes music refuses to play. And if it's just a temporary problem, consider yourself lucky. But if it “grows” into chronic, then something needs to be done. I will look at several possible reasons and talk about how to cope with the scourge that has struck.

Site interruptions

You may have noticed that there have been some strange problems occurring over the past few months. For example, just yesterday, for several tens of minutes, I simply could not get into my account. I thought that the problem was on my part, but I tried logging into VK from other devices and from another provider - nothing worked.

I admit that just such a failure can affect music playback. For example, you went to the site, found a composition, and then a glitch occurs. As soon as you click on the Play button, nothing happens because there is no response from the server. All you can do is wait until the problem is resolved.

By the way, in isolated cases the problem may be with the server itself - for example, it is overloaded. In this case, the song can be played, but the loading speed is extremely slow, and therefore the song will constantly stutter. In this case, you can wait, or you can search for the same song, but have it on a different server (just turn it on and if it loads instantly, you’ve hit the mark).

Insufficient download speed

If your tariff has a relatively slow download speed, then the music may, so to speak, slow down when downloading. If the track has a high bitrate, then it will take much longer to launch. In addition, do not forget that the load on VK servers also affects the download speed of songs.

What should I do? Increase speed, for example, by. If you simply do not have such an opportunity, you will have to do this. so that the song is cached. What does it mean? Immediately after pressing the Play button, pause the melody and wait until the bar is completely filled. Then the song will be played in full and without stopping.

Using the https protocol

On the Internet, I found one very simple, but at the same time effective remedy, if, of course, you believe the numerous reviews.

After you visit the VKontakte website, change the http:// protocol to https:// in the browser line (or simply type Immediately after this, your player can start working. Try it.

Problems with flash player

Today, a very large number of sites operate using flash technologies. This could include the same VKontakte or even video hosting. Therefore, if Flash player is not installed or installed old version, then you won’t be able to launch anything.

It is noteworthy that when it comes to outdated version player, it may refuse to work. Why? Honestly, I don’t know, but this is strange, because on some computers there are no problems with flash, even if they have a very old version of the player installed, which has not been updated for a year or two, while others require a mandatory update.

Don't worry, updating or installing a flash player will not be difficult. I talked about this in one of them, so I don’t see any point in repeating myself. And the procedure itself takes only 3-5 minutes of free time.

But before I start talking about another reason for problems when playing music, I want to remind you that the browser Google Chrome Flash player is built in by default and updates automatically. Therefore, in theory, songs should always load in this browser. IN Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer no built-in player. Not yet.

Checking your computer for viruses

To be honest, I very much doubt that it was a virus or a Trojan that caused the problem, but this option should not be ruled out either, since cases are not isolated.

To protect your computer from outside influences, be sure to use an antivirus. If you don't already have it installed, install it immediately! Moreover, there are free versions antiviruses, for example, are the same. Then update the database to latest version and start scanning.

I also recommend using a utility called Dr.Web CureIt. It allows you to cure your computer from many different problems, and it is also distributed completely free of charge. However, all this is already on our website, which you can read for yourself.

The download is blocked by the antivirus

This is theoretically possible - the screen built into the antivirus blocks the transfer of music from VK. The problem is that it is not so easy to verify this, because you will need to turn off all the screens on the AB. If after turning off the screens (that is, after temporarily disabling the antivirus) sound appears, then the problem is definitely in the AB.

What to do? Just add the VKontakte address to the exclusion list of your antivirus. This is very easy to do through the settings (for example, “Settings” - “Antivirus” - “Exceptions”). Add to the list of exceptions and click OK.

Unfortunately, this method has one bad feature - now the screens will stop functioning for the address, which in turn can lead to a malicious file getting onto your computer if, for example, you go to an unknown a link that was supposedly sent to you by your friend (but in fact - by attackers who stole your friend’s account). So be careful - you perform all actions entirely at your own peril and risk.

Browser related problem

I will say right away that this applies mainly to those users who use the Mozilla Firefox browser. The fact is that several add-ons can be installed in the Internet browser, which in one way or another affect the operation of the flash player.

For example, there is such a Flashblock plugin. It is installed in order to block any manifestations of Flash on sites. Thanks to this, by the way, the speed of loading sites increases significantly, but at the same time many of its functions do not work. The same applies to VK - you can go to the site, but you definitely cannot use it fully.

What to do? Simply deactivate the plugin through your browser settings (“Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”). If you really need this plugin, then just add VK to the list of exceptions - this is also possible.

Clearing cache

Rolling back the system

What to do if none of the suggested tips helped? Actually, one piece of advice from the list was simply bound to help you, but if for some reason this did not happen, then I can only suggest one thing - roll back the system to an earlier date when your computer was functioning normally. Just remember that the last installed programs or games may be destroyed, while other files (photos, videos, music, etc.) will remain untouched.

Go to the control panel, select the “Recovery” section – “Run the recovery system”.

Then select a restore point (an earlier date) and click Next.

Follow the instructions. The computer will then restart.

What to do when audio recordings do not load (music does not play) in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet? What to do if the music is missing? Here we will give specific solutions to this problem, and also understand why this happens.

This instruction is current for 2019.

Attention: sometimes it happens that VK is buggy. If you play any song, there will be an error when playing the audio recording. And so it is for everyone. In this case, there is nothing to do but wait. Listen to music somewhere on another site. Solutions for other cases are below.

If you have a bug in the old version of the VKontakte application, when you go to “Music”, “My audio recordings”, this is due to the fact that background listening to music on the phone from November 1, 2017 is limited to 30 minutes per day. You will have to update the application to remove the error. Perhaps if you don't do this, you won't have any music at all. It turned out that the freebie was not eternal! Read more at the end of the page.

The music is gone

Solution: log out and log in

Try logging out of your account in the application (that is, from your page) and logging in again. Just make sure you remember your username and password first. This usually fixes the error when the music is missing:

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. Gear button at the top right - settings will open.
  3. At the very bottom is the point "Go out".
  4. Log into the application again by entering your username and password.

If you don’t remember your password, you’ll have to make a new one, that is, restore access: Recovering a password for VKontakte access. The most important thing here is that the page is linked to your current phone number.

Errors when playing audio recordings

You want to turn on music in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet (most often on Android), but the music doesn’t play and you get one of the errors:

It is also possible that you go to “My Music” and all the music is completely gone. In the “Recommendations” there is “Error. Try again". In audio recordings of friends, the music also does not show, it seems to have disappeared.

Solution: clear the audio cache in the VK application

For Android smartphones (not iPhones) there is the following solution: clear audio cache. This is the memory on your phone where the songs you play are saved. Gradually it ends and this error occurs. But this setting is not available in all versions of the application.

  1. Open the application settings - the fifth button in the bottom row, then the gear button at the top right.
  2. Next open "Basic".
  3. Find an item "Clear music cache" and press.
  4. Turn off "Cache Music"(switch to the right of this inscription).
  5. Turn it on again "Cache Music" the same switch.

Now try playing the song again. If it works, congratulations! Now you know how to fix the problem.

If it's still an error, what other ways are there to solve the problem?

  1. Change the location where you save the music - if internal memory is selected there, switch to a memory card (go to the application settings, then "Basic" Further "Location").
  2. Delete all VK application data in the phone settings: for example, “Settings - All applications - VKontakte - Erase data” and there too "Clear cache".
  3. Try rebooting your smartphone (turn it off and on again).
  4. Uninstall the VK application completely and install it again from Google Play.
  5. If you open a recording in the application that has music attached, there will be a “three dots” menu at the top right. Click on them and choose "Open in browser." A page with this song will open in the browser, and you can play it.
  6. Change your Android phone to an iPhone (or an Android tablet to an iPad).

Why does this error occur? What should I do to make sure it doesn't exist anymore?

This error occurs when your phone or tablet runs out of memory to save audio. When enabled in application settings "Cache music" it saves each song in memory so that next time you don't have to download it again, but play it right away. And the memory is gradually filled with music. Perhaps this defect will be corrected in the future. Don’t be lazy to update the VK application when new versions appear.

In the meantime, there are two solutions: either disable "Music Caching" in the settings (see above how to do this), or clean the memory from time to time (item in the settings "Clear music cache"). Also, if you are good at Android, you can try changing the location where you save the audio. Maybe now the music is saved in internal memory phone, but you need to save it to a memory card - because there is more space there.

What should I do if I have a Windows Phone and the audio won’t load and it gives me an error?

Phones to Windows Phone become a thing of the past and are no longer supported. The operation of the VK application on them is no longer guaranteed, including music playback. Best buy new phone(iPhone or something normal on Android).

What to do if “Playing this audio is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder”?

The fact is that each song has an owner (copyright holder) who controls the rights to copy and reproduce this song. If someone else uploaded a song to the VKontakte website, and then everyone listens to it for free, the copyright holder is not happy with this situation - after all, he does not receive money from it! In essence, they are stealing from him. Therefore, he negotiates with the VKontakte website so that the song cannot be listened to for free. That's when you get this error. What to do? Buy a song or the entire album for money and listen to your pleasure. This is life, nothing personal.

"Background music listening is limited." How to remove the restriction?

There is no way to remove the limitation (error). If you don't want to subscribe to music, you can only open it on your phone full version VK (there is no time limit) and turn on music in it. But this is not very convenient.

There are other paid music services that are no worse, and maybe even better. Many people even do without VK in order to listen to music (after all, before there was no VK, but they still listened to music).

See also

Try “Login” - the start page of the site

If you make a website home page in your browser, then when you launch it, you will immediately see which of your friends is currently online (they won’t see you), whether you have new messages, likes, marks on photos, and the like. You can connect other sites, not only VKontakte. Very comfortably! Login to any site with one click.


What to do when audio recordings do not load (music does not play) in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet? What to do if the music is missing? Here we will give specific solutions to this problem, and also understand why this happens.

This instruction is current for 2019.

Attention: sometimes it happens that VK is buggy. If you play any song, there will be an error when playing the audio recording. And so it is for everyone. In this case, there is nothing to do but wait. Listen to music somewhere on another site. Solutions for other cases are below.

If you have a bug in the old version of the VKontakte application, when you go to “Music”, “My audio recordings”, this is due to the fact that background listening to music on the phone from November 1, 2017 is limited to 30 minutes per day. You will have to update the application to remove the error. Perhaps if you don't do this, you won't have any music at all. It turned out that the freebie was not eternal! Read more at the end of the page.

The music is gone

Solution: log out and log in

Try logging out of your account in the application (that is, from your page) and logging in again. Just make sure you remember your username and password first. This usually fixes the error when the music is missing:

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. Gear button at the top right - settings will open.
  3. At the very bottom is the point "Go out".
  4. Log into the application again by entering your username and password.

If you don’t remember your password, you’ll have to make a new one, that is, restore access: Recovering a password for VKontakte access. The most important thing here is that the page is linked to your current phone number.

Errors when playing audio recordings

You want to turn on music in the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet (most often on Android), but the music doesn’t play and you get one of the errors:

It is also possible that you go to “My Music” and all the music is completely gone. In the “Recommendations” there is “Error. Try again". In audio recordings of friends, the music also does not show, it seems to have disappeared.

Solution: clear the audio cache in the VK application

For Android smartphones (not iPhones) there is the following solution: clear audio cache. This is the memory on your phone where the songs you play are saved. Gradually it ends and this error occurs. But this setting is not available in all versions of the application.

  1. Open the application settings - the fifth button in the bottom row, then the gear button at the top right.
  2. Next open "Basic".
  3. Find an item "Clear music cache" and press.
  4. Turn off "Cache Music"(switch to the right of this inscription).
  5. Turn it on again "Cache Music" the same switch.

Now try playing the song again. If it works, congratulations! Now you know how to fix the problem.

If it's still an error, what other ways are there to solve the problem?

  1. Change the location where you save the music - if internal memory is selected there, switch to a memory card (go to the application settings, then "Basic" Further "Location").
  2. Delete all VK application data in the phone settings: for example, “Settings - All applications - VKontakte - Erase data” and there too "Clear cache".
  3. Try rebooting your smartphone (turn it off and on again).
  4. Uninstall the VK application completely and install it again from Google Play.
  5. If you open a recording in the application that has music attached, there will be a “three dots” menu at the top right. Click on them and choose "Open in browser." A page with this song will open in the browser, and you can play it.
  6. Change your Android phone to an iPhone (or an Android tablet to an iPad).

Why does this error occur? What should I do to make sure it doesn't exist anymore?

This error occurs when your phone or tablet runs out of memory to save audio. When enabled in application settings "Cache music" it saves each song in memory so that next time you don't have to download it again, but play it right away. And the memory is gradually filled with music. Perhaps this defect will be corrected in the future. Don’t be lazy to update the VK application when new versions appear.

In the meantime, there are two solutions: either disable "Music Caching" in the settings (see above how to do this), or clean the memory from time to time (item in the settings "Clear music cache"). Also, if you are good at Android, you can try changing the location where you save the audio. Maybe now music is saved to the internal memory of the phone, but it should be saved to a memory card - after all, there is more space there.

What should I do if I have a Windows Phone and the audio won’t load and it gives me an error?

Windows Phones are becoming a thing of the past and are no longer supported. The operation of the VK application on them is no longer guaranteed, including music playback. It is best to buy a new phone (iPhone or something normal on Android).

What to do if “Playing this audio is impossible due to the requirements of the copyright holder”?

The fact is that each song has an owner (copyright holder) who controls the rights to copy and reproduce this song. If someone else uploaded a song to the VKontakte website, and then everyone listens to it for free, the copyright holder is not happy with this situation - after all, he does not receive money from it! In essence, they are stealing from him. Therefore, he negotiates with the VKontakte website so that the song cannot be listened to for free. That's when you get this error. What to do? Buy a song or the entire album for money and listen to your pleasure. This is life, nothing personal.

"Background music listening is limited." How to remove the restriction?

There is no way to remove the limitation (error). If you don’t want to subscribe to music, you can only open the full version of VK on your phone (there is no time limit) and turn on the music in it. But this is not very convenient.

There are other paid music services that are no worse, and maybe even better. Many people even do without VK in order to listen to music (after all, before there was no VK, but they still listened to music).

See also

Try “Login” - the start page of the site

If you make the site the start page in your browser, then when you launch it, you will immediately see which of your friends is currently online (they won’t see you), whether you have new messages, likes, marks on photos, etc. You can connect other sites, not only VKontakte. Very comfortably! Login to any site with one click.

When clicking on the play button for any audio recording on the VKontakte social network, the user may encounter the message “An error occurred while loading the audio recording. Try refreshing the page." This is usually associated with regular updates to the VK functionality carried out by the site administration, but there are also cases when the specified dysfunction is caused by the user’s network settings, a malfunctioning browser, as well as various VK plugins (for example, “VKMusic” or “VKSaver” ). In this article, I will tell you why this problem occurs, what are its causes, and how to fix “An error occurred while loading the audio recording” on your PC.

Text of the message “An error occurred while loading the audio recording”

On April 28, 2017, the Vkontakte administration announced the transition of the social network to new audio functionality. The music section has been radically redesigned, the music search recommendation system has been improved, and new album covers have appeared.

A separate aspect of the innovation was the introduction of paid music content in VK. Since the problem of piracy in VK is quite acute, the owner of VKontakte, the Group company, is taking steps aimed at correcting the current situation and improving the situation with respect to copyright.

The essence and causes of dysfunction

As is usually the case, the transition to new VK audio functionality did not go smoothly. For a number of users, when trying to play a song, the active line simply jumps to the song below, and, in the end, the message “An error occurred while loading the audio recording. Try refreshing the page."

Of course, refreshing the page does not change anything, forcing the user to look for solutions on the Internet. But, in this case, everything is quite simple, the cause of the dysfunction is an incompletely “polished” update of the VK audio section, and the user can simply wait until the developers deign to correct the situation.

Also, in quite rare cases, the cause of the dysfunction “An error occurred while loading the audio recording” may be the following:

An error occurred in VK when loading an audio recording - how to fix it

As I wrote above, in most cases this is a problem of the developers themselves, who have not fully developed the new functionality of the VK audio section. The best solution here it will be easy to just wait a couple of days, or write a letter describing your problem.

You can also try the following steps to help get rid of the “An error occurred while downloading the audio” message on your computer:


In most cases, the reason for the appearance of the message “An error occurred while loading the audio recording” is the incorrect operation of the VK resource itself. In this situation, it is recommended to wait a couple of days until the developers identify and correct the problems found, thereby restoring the normal operation of the music section. In addition, I recommend using the tips I listed above; they may turn out to be effective and efficient in your particular case.

Playback error. An error occurred during playback" - this is what I was told mobile app. Try refreshing the page." Refreshing the page does not fix the error. By the way, if an error occurred when loading an audio recording in only one browser, it may be worth reinstalling it or updating it to a more modern version. This is sometimes very frustrating for users who, for example, want to relax a little while listening to their favorite songs. But it often happens that suddenly an error occurs when loading an audio recording.

The above action will allow you to deal with the error once, but it will recur periodically. After trying several options to fix the error, I started looking for information on the Internet. I came to the conclusion that perhaps the problem is not in the computer, but in the network itself (the Internet).

Error loading music on VKontakte

Unfortunately, not a single social The network in the world cannot work without possible errors, breakdowns and other troubles. 1. One of the main reasons may be the slow Internet speed, which simply does not allow the VKontakte playlist to play well and without errors. Do not rush to contact support, as most likely they have already been notified and are trying to correct all errors and inconveniences as quickly as possible.

Errors when starting video

A cache is Internet pages, along with pictures, videos and other elements, saved on your computer to speed up page loading. An error may appear; to do this, you need to clear the cache. Here's how it's done in different browsers. Here you can configure the browser cache to be cleared automatically when you close it. If you turn on music on other sites (Internet radio), then when you open other tabs, the music continues to play.

At latest update YouTube apps Many people have encountered problems with video playback. Solutions... There is an easy way to listen to music on VKontakte. Here is the link to download AdobeFlashPlayer. To solve the problem with playing music in Contact, uninstall, then download and install the browser again. But these same errors and problems can be corrected by simply restarting the computer, or by performing a system restore.

Here are all the reasons that can interfere with playing music in contact. By the way, it is worth noting that such problems do not arise when working with the desktop program vkmusic.

Everyone uses the VKontakte network, because it is not just a project for communication, but a huge system with a bunch of different functions. One of these methods will definitely help you, and we remind our readers that any problems with your PC may be associated with the presence of viruses.

I advise you to visit the following pages: - Access to VKontakte has been blocked, how to open it? Quite recently, a musician I know (who simultaneously plays the role of DJ and singer in one not very large cafe) once again complained that he did not have music playing on the VKontakte social network. Hello. And my problem with music on VK was solved in this way: Adobe updates Flash Player! Very often this is where the whole problem lies. VKontakte is a popular social network. a network that many programs mistake for a malicious site without good reason, and this ban can only be canceled using the anti-virus system settings.

Why doesn't VKontakte music play?

Usually this takes very little time, but the result is not long in coming, and soon the music begins to play again without any problems in normal mode.

In today’s article, as always, I will help solve problems related to VKontakte functionality. If you don’t want to thank, don’t. =) The main thing is that now you can continue listening to music! Viruses are a very common problem among users of the social network Vkontakte, I have written about them more than once and tried to warn you.

I have a question for you, what should I do on my (VKontakte) video does not show when you expand it to full screen. I changed the flash player, reinstalled the browser and the system, please tell me what to do. On my Android tablet, VKontakte music stops playing when I open another tab, for example mail or Yandex. If music on VKontakte does not play, there are a lot of reasons, but in this video I show you how to solve it...

VKontakte is unhappy with the fact that... Don’t despair, now in this post, we will look at the main reasons for the disruption of music playback in VKontakte. If you do not have Flash Player installed, then you will not only not be able to listen to music, but also watch videos and launch various applications. If you can’t install, write a request in the comments, I will personally help you solve the problem. 2) Problems with the Browser. If this is the problem, then the music should start playing again.

If you have a poor Internet connection, then you can forget about music in VKontakte. Of course, I won’t explain what problems there may be with a computer that interfere with listening to music, since most people simply won’t understand. Most often, audio recordings in VK do not work due to the lack of the AdobeFlashPlayer package, which is necessary for working with Flash applications.

Whatever one may say, most automatic browser extensions that remove pop-up windows can block VKontakte music. The fourth reason is the quality of the Internet connection, which is also the reason why VKontakte audio recordings often hang. It happens that users, trying to protect their computer, install anti-virus programs.

We will tell you how to fix it in this article. The easiest way is to refresh the page with clearing the cache (F5 key). If this button is responsible for another function, use the Ctrl+R combination. I cleaned it of excess garbage, checked startup, then in Google Chrome plugins, I saw “VKOPT” disabled, deleted it, checked the music. But it was not there. The next day, or even the evening of that, the musician called me again and again complained about the same problem.

Well, the third type agrees to simply wait until the disappointing message “an error occurred while loading the audio recording, try refreshing the page” disappears. Surely you have also seen a window with the text “An error occurred while loading the audio recording.” Here is my mistake on VKontakte, I hope the administration will help me solve this problem. Quite often, users complain that VKontakte does not play music from user audio recordings, and it is not always possible to immediately find out the reason.

It is difficult to imagine a user who would not want all the actions he planned to happen perfectly. But, if it was not possible to avoid troubles, and a VKontakte error occurred when loading an audio recording, there is only one thing left to do: deal with the difficulties that have arisen. But before that, you need to understand the reasons for what happened. The following can cause problems:

  • incorrect format of the uploaded file;
  • conflicts between the site and connected plugins;
  • outdated version of browser or application;
  • outdated version of the player;
  • problems on the server;
  • incorrect security settings;
  • errors in the protocol.

Of the listed causes of problems, only problems on the server cannot be fixed with your own hands. In other cases, it is enough to be patient and willing to deal with difficulties in order to understand the current situation. Users do not expect anything complicated.

The most difficult thing will be for those individuals who see error code 0 on the monitor in VK. They will not be able to restore normal operation of the social network on their own, since the appearance of such a message indicates a malfunction of the servers. Typically, the mentioned entry appears after large-scale updates, when developers are unable to immediately synchronize the operation of all involved systems, and some of its parts turn out to be incompatible.

The only way to deal with such a failure is to wait. Neither changing the file format nor rebooting will help restore network operation. Adding audio recordings, photos and videos will remain unavailable.

What should I do if VK says “an error occurred while loading the audio recording”?

If an error occurs while downloading an audio recording, you should:

  1. restart your computer, Android or iPhone;
  2. make sure that the format and size of the downloaded file meets the requirements, and if necessary, convert the recording to mp3;
  3. update the application on your smartphone or browser on your computer and laptop (updating and enabling automatic updates occurs in the settings of the application or browser);
  4. try to change the browser (even the Yandex browser will do);
  5. temporarily disable the involved plugins and try downloading again;
  6. go to the social network settings and in the “Security” section, check the box next to the item mentioning “encrypted connection”;
  7. go to the network connection settings on your PC and uncheck the ipv item

In the event that the listed measures do not help correct the current situation, and the error persists, the last option remains. It consists of contacting VKontakte support agents. But, having decided to write to the contact center, you should be patient, since the first thing the operators will do is offer to perform the actions already listed above. Only after making sure that they do not help, consultants will try to find other ways to deal with difficulties.

Today we will talk about a very common problem. You probably have an account on the social network VKontakte, and therefore you are well aware of this problem - sometimes music refuses to play. And if it's just a temporary problem, consider yourself lucky. But if it “grows” into chronic, then something needs to be done. I will look at several possible reasons and talk about how to cope with the scourge that has struck.

Site interruptions

You may have noticed that there have been some strange problems occurring over the past few months. For example, just yesterday, for several tens of minutes, I simply could not get into my account. I thought that the problem was on my part, but I tried logging into VK from other devices and from another provider - nothing worked.

I admit that just such a failure can affect music playback. For example, you went to the site, found a composition, and then a glitch occurs. As soon as you click on the Play button, nothing happens because there is no response from the server. All you can do is wait until the problem is resolved.

By the way, in isolated cases the problem may be with the server itself - for example, it is overloaded. In this case, the song can be played, but the loading speed is extremely slow, and therefore the song will constantly stutter. In this case, you can wait, or you can search for the same song, but have it on a different server (just turn it on and if it loads instantly, you’ve hit the mark).

Insufficient download speed

If your tariff has a relatively slow download speed, then the music may, so to speak, slow down when downloading. If the track has a high bitrate, then it will take much longer to launch. In addition, do not forget that the load on VK servers also affects the download speed of songs.

What should I do? Increase speed, for example, by. If you simply do not have such an opportunity, you will have to do this. so that the song is cached. What does it mean? Immediately after pressing the Play button, pause the melody and wait until the bar is completely filled. Then the song will be played in full and without stopping.

Using the https protocol

On the Internet, I found one very simple, but at the same time effective remedy, if, of course, you believe the numerous reviews.

After you visit the VKontakte website, change the http:// protocol to https:// in the browser line (or simply type Immediately after this, your player can start working. Try it.

Problems with flash player

Today, a very large number of sites operate using flash technologies. This could include the same VKontakte or even video hosting. Therefore, if the Flash player is not installed or an old version is installed, then you will not be able to launch anything.

It is noteworthy that if we are talking about an outdated version of the player, it may refuse to work. Why? Honestly, I don’t know, but this is strange, because on some computers there are no problems with flash, even if they have a very old version of the player installed, which has not been updated for a year or two, while others require a mandatory update.

Don't worry, updating or installing a flash player will not be difficult. I talked about this in one of them, so I don’t see any point in repeating myself. And the procedure itself takes only 3-5 minutes of free time.

But before I start talking about another reason for problems when playing music, I want to remind you that the Google Chrome browser has a flash player built in by default and is updated automatically. Therefore, in theory, songs should always load in this browser. Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer do not have a built-in player. Not yet.

Checking your computer for viruses

To be honest, I very much doubt that it was a virus or a Trojan that caused the problem, but this option should not be ruled out either, since cases are not isolated.

To protect your computer from outside influences, be sure to use an antivirus. If you don't already have it installed, install it immediately! Moreover, there are free versions of antiviruses, for example, the same one. Then update the database to the latest version and run a scan.

I also recommend using a utility called Dr.Web CureIt. It allows you to cure your computer from many different problems, and it is also distributed completely free of charge. However, all this is already on our website, which you can read for yourself.

The download is blocked by the antivirus

This is theoretically possible - the screen built into the antivirus blocks the transfer of music from VK. The problem is that it is not so easy to verify this, because you will need to turn off all the screens on the AB. If after turning off the screens (that is, after temporarily disabling the antivirus) sound appears, then the problem is definitely in the AB.

What to do? Just add the VKontakte address to the exclusion list of your antivirus. This is very easy to do through the settings (for example, “Settings” - “Antivirus” - “Exceptions”). Add to the list of exceptions and click OK.

Unfortunately, this method has one bad feature - now the screens will stop functioning for the address, which in turn can lead to a malicious file getting onto your computer if, for example, you go to an unknown a link that was supposedly sent to you by your friend (but in fact - by attackers who stole your friend’s account). So be careful - you perform all actions entirely at your own peril and risk.

Browser related problem

I will say right away that this applies mainly to those users who use the Mozilla Firefox browser. The fact is that several add-ons can be installed in the Internet browser, which in one way or another affect the operation of the flash player.

For example, there is such a Flashblock plugin. It is installed in order to block any manifestations of Flash on sites. Thanks to this, by the way, the speed of loading sites increases significantly, but at the same time many of its functions do not work. The same applies to VK - you can go to the site, but you definitely cannot use it fully.

What to do? Simply deactivate the plugin through your browser settings (“Tools” - “Add-ons” - “Plugins”). If you really need this plugin, then just add VK to the list of exceptions - this is also possible.

Clearing cache

Rolling back the system

What to do if none of the suggested tips helped? Actually, one piece of advice from the list was simply bound to help you, but if for some reason this did not happen, then I can only suggest one thing - roll back the system to an earlier date when your computer was functioning normally. Just remember that the most recently installed programs or games can be eliminated, while other files (photos, videos, music, etc.) will remain untouched.

Go to the control panel, select the “Recovery” section – “Run the recovery system”.

Then select a restore point (an earlier date) and click Next.

Follow the instructions. The computer will then restart.

It is difficult to imagine a user who would not want all the actions he planned to happen perfectly. But, if it was not possible to avoid troubles, and a VKontakte error occurred when loading an audio recording, there is only one thing left to do: deal with the difficulties that have arisen. But before that, you need to understand the reasons for what happened. The following can cause problems:

  • incorrect format of the uploaded file;
  • conflicts between the site and connected plugins;
  • outdated version of browser or application;
  • outdated version of the player;
  • problems on the server;
  • incorrect security settings;
  • errors in the protocol.

Of the listed causes of problems, only problems on the server cannot be fixed with your own hands. In other cases, it is enough to be patient and willing to deal with difficulties in order to understand the current situation. Users do not expect anything complicated.

The most difficult thing will be for those individuals who see error code 0 on the monitor in VK. They will not be able to restore normal operation of the social network on their own, since the appearance of such a message indicates a malfunction of the servers. Typically, the mentioned entry appears after large-scale updates, when developers are unable to immediately synchronize the operation of all involved systems, and some of its parts turn out to be incompatible.

The only way to deal with such a failure is to wait. Neither changing the file format nor rebooting will help restore network operation. Adding audio recordings, photos and videos will remain unavailable.

What should I do if VK says “an error occurred while loading the audio recording”?

If an error occurs while downloading an audio recording, you should:

  1. restart your computer, Android or iPhone;
  2. make sure that the format and size of the downloaded file meets the requirements, and if necessary, convert the recording to mp3;
  3. update the application on your smartphone or browser on your computer and laptop (updating and enabling automatic updates occurs in the settings of the application or browser);
  4. try to change the browser (even the Yandex browser will do);
  5. temporarily disable the involved plugins and try downloading again;
  6. go to the social network settings and in the “Security” section, check the box next to the item mentioning “encrypted connection”;
  7. go to the network connection settings on your PC and uncheck the ipv item

In the event that the listed measures do not help correct the current situation, and the error persists, the last option remains. It consists of contacting VKontakte support agents. But, having decided to write to the contact center, you should be patient, since the first thing the operators will do is offer to perform the actions already listed above. Only after making sure that they do not help, consultants will try to find other ways to deal with difficulties.

Quite recently, a musician I know (who simultaneously plays the role of DJ and singer in one not very large cafe) once again complained that he did not have music playing on the VKontakte social network. I decided that one of the staff had again messed with the browser settings/plugins on his laptop and promised to come by soon.


A couple of days later, I stopped by a cafe and looked at his laptop. I cleaned it of excess garbage, checked startup, then in Google Chrome plugins, I saw “VKOPT” disabled, deleted it, checked the music. Looks like he's playing. They thanked me and I went on about my business.

Second coming

But it was not there. The next day, or even the evening of that, the musician called me again and again complained about the same problem. But this time I saw the error text: “An error occurred while loading the audio recording. Try refreshing the page."

After trying several options to fix the error, I started looking for information on the Internet. I came to the conclusion that perhaps the problem is not in the computer, but in the network itself (the Internet). It’s quite easy to check this: I found a song that does not play on VKontakte on my laptop (some of the songs played normally), connected to the local WiFi from my phone, found this song and tried to play it. “An error occurred during playback” - this is how the mobile application responded to me. But as soon as I disconnected from WiFi and connected to 3G, the song loaded and played normally.

It became clear that the problem was with the Internet provider, which provides Internet access in this cafe. I started searching for a solution online. I found that I need to follow the link, and in the “Protection of transmitted data” subsection, check the box next to “Always use a secure connection (HTTPS)”.

But, to my surprise, when I clicked on the link, I did not see such an item. He simply wasn't there. I thought that perhaps VKontakte had made another update and the item was removed or moved, but it was not there in other sections of the settings either. Then I re-read all the information that I found on the topic and saw that this checkbox does not help some and in this case, you need to contact your Internet provider, but VKontakte support can help in resolving this issue.

Real solution

I wrote to support, described my problem and the solutions that I see.

This is what they answered me:

Only after seeing the support response, I realized that the key point is to follow the link with https://.
By following the link

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