Yandex you are a honey. A joke that gives a lot of traffic! Yandex you are a sweetheart Yandex you are a sweetheart but Google is dearer

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to say a few words about How do optimizers joke?. To exaggerate greatly, then at some request with certain selfish interests. Usually they do this in order to raise their site or the client's site to the Top (the first ten answers of Yandex or Google). Everything is clear and prosaic here (loot rules the world). But life would be boring if we stopped doing stupid things...

Well, you see, what's the point of creating a search bomb "Yandex you are a sweetheart" with promotion to the Top of the site with the answer "I'm not your sweetheart, s----but t----me." After all, it’s rude (possibly labor-intensive), but most of the audience to whom this joke is intended (shkolota) will be very amused. Oh, look, Yandex knows how to swear. Cool...

But it doesn't matter if the joke is funny or not. Another thing is important - this clearly demonstrates that it is not so difficult to manipulate the issue, however, if the request is not very competitive. Those. need to come up with some kind of provocative request and promote a funny answer to the Top on him. As soon as it becomes the property of a bored schoolboy, the request will instantly gain popularity and everyone will advise each other to enter into search string something like “Yandex (Google) you sweetie (deer)” and neighing over one of the first answers in the search results.

You know what? And this can be very interesting. So much so that I (already having a son who is almost out of the “shkoloty” age) decided to write a post about it. Let's see how well developed sense of humor our optimizers have and what they could and can boast of now. Curious? And then...

How did Yandex become a sweetheart and why is Google better?

Actually, you can find the answer “how to do it” by going to the site, which will the first in the issuance of Yandex and Google for the query "Yandex you are a honey".

There, just an "enterprising fellow" explains that he created a page with a title that will be the answer to this question. But in order for this page to be displayed in Yandex's search results for the specified request, he used it several times in the text and even highlighted it in bold.

Because there was no particular competition at that time, the article jumped into the Top in a wonderful way and even took first place over time. We give a standing ovation, because now this phrase is requested about sixty thousand times in Yandex and the “joker” site receives decent traffic.

There are also variations of this request, such as the one shown in the heading “Yandex you are a sweetheart, but Google is better”, “Yandex you are a deer”, “Yandex you love me”, etc. Now you know the secret and, if you wish and have enough creativity and knowledge in SEO, you can repeat all this or even surpass it. For me, just stating a fact is enough.

This was an example when a joke gave a very good return in the form of additional traffic to the site and in the form of satisfying the ambitions of the author who invented and implemented it. But often more successful (in my opinion) jokes and jokes, which were introduced by SEO methods into the search results of Yandex or Google, did not bring their authors anything but moral satisfaction. It is to such enthusiasts, it seems to me, that one should take off one's hat.

Wow Yandex jokes

Next, I want to give a number of examples that are still “alive”, and most often already deceased in the Bose search tricks of Yandex and Google, which were realized from the mere desire to neigh and give a hearty laugh to other network users. Agree, when the search engine itself jokes, it is much funnier (and more natural) than demotivators, etc. Smeshariki.

  1. This joke clearly shows the attitude of "celestials from the world of SEO" to those who are hooked on:

  2. True, now the previous request no longer gives out Contact in the first place, but there is also such a request that still works fine in Yandex:

  3. Here is also an unexpectedly persistent answer to the seemingly difficult question “worst search engine”:

    I can’t imagine how such a result can be achieved, unless this is really the opinion of the Yandex search engine about a former competitor (already died about two years ago).

  4. Jokes are found not only in the issue, but sometimes in the ad units that are shown there:

  5. Again, a lot of jokes are being promoted (it’s hard to imagine that at least a couple of people entered the query “what to do if Voldemort washes with my shampoo”) and into Yandex and Google search suggestions:

  6. There are a couple of frequently entered queries on the toilet topic: ""What happens if you throw a crowbar into the toilet of a train at full speed" and "What if my toilet is dancing." Apparently someone promoted them, but the essence of this idea is now somewhat vague. Although only one originality of the questions can put five.

Google jokes

  1. Of course, I perfectly understand the guys who, living over the hill and not being able to print in the Russian layout, therefore write their messages on Russian-language forums, social networks and blogs in transliteration. What do you think about it? Personally, I constantly “stumble” about this, and when such a “wonderful” hint was given on Google on such a “wonderful” hint, with all my laughter, I simply could not:

    Apparently it was someone from the Google Russian search team who joked like that, but then everything was fixed.

  2. Google is somewhat pessimistic about the mental development of the vast majority of our planet:

  3. Previously, at the request “delusional generator”, Google gave out the site of its direct competitor (Yandex) in second place.

Hello readers of my blog website. The topic of this article is unusual, because in it I want to talk about SEO jokes that can bring additional traffic. One of them sounds like this: Yandex you sweetie! This uncomplicated phrase aroused the interest of users, because, having nothing to do, some ask such queries in search engines.

What do optimizers do and why do they use such keywords in texts? All their activities are aimed at promoting the resource.

In fact, everything is very simple, keywords are used to bring articles to the first positions for issuance, and this is done to receive additional or even main traffic, respectively, and to increase profits.

And the thing is that such “crazy requests” give good traffic!

I wrote about all these nuances in detail in his book.

One of the webmasters wrote an article with a comic text about Yandex and clarified: but Google better forgive me. Such jokes are intended mainly for schoolchildren, who sometimes enter query phrases just to look at the results and laugh. And when the search engine itself has a sense of humor, it attracts an even larger audience.

The meaning of the joke or its absence is not so important, the important thing is that there are people who introduce comic questions and you can write a couple of articles under their phrases. But if the request is competitive, then you are unlikely to be able to manage the results of the issuance and move quickly.

Still, try to come up with provocative questions and promote funny answer options to the TOP, perhaps this will lead to popularity for your site.

As you all remember, school years funny news spreads quickly and if you manage to grab attention with a phrase and an answer to it, schoolchildren will definitely pick it up and spread it in their circles. Accordingly, the request will quickly become popular and many will rush to see it from personal experience by entering in the search bar “but Google better forgive you” or something like that.

So I, an adult, got the idea to write such an article and see how readable it would be.

The reaction of the search engines

Let's write a line in Google with one of the mentioned joke requests.

And here's another request. Let's see what funny answers we get.

The same can be done in Yandex. What do we see? In reality, someone writes articles for such requests, and moreover, there are a lot of authors and articles, and more than 30 thousand impressions per month!

Previously, there was little competition for such texts; accordingly, one author was able to attract good traffic and promote his resource at minimal cost.

Inspired by this example, other webmasters and optimizers hastened to write such and similar articles as well.

There are a lot of options for such queries “Yandex is a sweetheart, but Google is better than you” and so on. So, if you have a sense of humor and master SEO, you can try to attract visitors in this way.

But not all attempts lead to a successful result, many authors, alas, are not so lucky. In any case, for moral satisfaction and to bring humor to your blog, you can write a couple of similar articles and watch the reaction of search engines and people to them.

Good Examples

For example, optimizers created such a joke about social network in contact with:

Perhaps third-party optimizers joked like that, but there is also a possibility that this is a well-done work of VK staff members.

Unexpected criticism is also often surprising.

Is this a strategic move to leak a competitor or the opinion of third party webmasters?

A lot of different jokes are being promoted and introducing such a harmless phrase as " what if i " or " what happens if ”, Seeing the options offered by the search engine, you can laugh for a long time.

And the second example.

Those guys who went abroad and cannot use the Russian keyboard layout are forced to use transliteration. The reaction of searches to this is also interesting, without laughter there is nowhere

Who jokes like that? But on the other hand, what a question, such an answer.

There is also such a request and a funny answer to it.

And finally, here are some more jokes from search engines:

  • do a barrel roll- page from which the head is spinning;
  • zergrush- the invasion of the letters "O";
  • flying logo;
  • everything is falling apart.

I think you have drawn your own conclusions and, like many successful webmasters, you will be able to add humor to your articles and work, believe me, it is much more fun to create this way, and maybe even more effective! Don't expect a lot of traffic, here, as you're lucky.

Subscribe to news of my site and share your opinions in the comments!

See you later!


Sincerely, Alexander Sergienko

There are often funny ones on the net. search terms, the meaning of which the first time you can not understand. “Yandex is sweet, but Google is better” - I recently came across a similar construction. Not only the topic itself is unusual, but also its popularity - several thousand requests per month.

The construction of the phrase bears little resemblance to the slang of webmasters or programmers; rather, it resembles the casual chatter of teenage girls. It is obvious that it has nothing to do with the promotion of sites. The unusualness interested me, and I decided to delve into the topic and look for where the “legs grow from”. I would like to understand what drives people who enter similar things in the search bar.

Request Statistics

They search for this topic on the Internet for a lot of what they want to find on it, look below, while I give the numbers for related queries, which are parts or derivatives of the main one (I checked the phrases in quotation marks - an exact match):

  • Yandex you sweetheart - 23 thousand requests
  • Google you sweetheart - 6 thousand requests

Other related queries:

Interestingly, powerful bursts are observed twice a year - in early spring and early summer. During these periods, people are interested in the “cutes” of Yandex and Google several times more often.

What are they searching for?

In order to understand the origins of the request, it was enough to go through the search results for this keyword in Yandex. As I expected, the key is of artificial origin and the popularity of “Yandex you are a sweetheart” began to gain after the corresponding answer appeared in the search results.

This is the rare case when not demand creates supply, but supply has led to an increase in demand.

The situation is as follows - the site prepared a page with the text "I'm not your sweetheart, you dumb beast" and optimized it for the query "Google you're a sweetheart." As a result, a joke was born, in which the user's request showed a boorish response in the output, giving the impression that the search engine was talking through artificial intelligence. I do not want to assess the level of culture of the authors, I would have implemented something more decent and playful, but that's how it happened.

Of course, Google had nothing to do with this dialogue, but this bunch of "Question - Answer" aroused the interest of users. The viral effect gave a good increase in the frequency of the request and traffic on it.

Inspired by the results obtained from Google, the author of the blog (I found his article as a primary source) decided to perform a similar trick with Yandex, simply replacing the name of the search engine in the request.

An unusual response appeared and users began to enter the desired query to see it - the scheme worked.

Why are requests like this needed?

These keywords do not carry any practical use for the Internet and no intellectual load. They are an example of how traffic is made out of thin air. There were no Google and Yandex sweets on the network and there was no traffic for them, materials appeared on the sites - there were users who wanted to find them.

By the way, this is one of the marketing options. The typical capitalist consumer economy similarly creates demand for many unnecessary goods, without which everyone managed and did not suffer before. Someone came up with a nonsense called "selfie", now selfie sticks are pumping money out of the pockets of stupid hamsters - an example of how money is made from nothing.

Back to traffic. A similar method can be used for viral promotion of your site in search engines. You need to come up with an interesting combination of “Question - Answer”, prepare the answer in the snippet and on the page of your site, and then start a rumor about your joke - if it works, you can collect a lot of new visitors.

This method of promotion is easier than promoting a site for existing high-frequency queries, since everything created earlier has competition. By creating interest, you get a request that is not occupied by anyone, for which no one else claims traffic. It is easy to get into the TOP of the search engine.

The only point worth paying attention to is that this traffic will be a dummy for any topic other than entertainment - there are a lot of visitors, but there are no sales from it, because they are not targeted people.

Yandex and Google sweethearts, but who is better?

Taking this opportunity and the topic raised, I will express my opinion - definitely, Yandex is better as a search engine (Google, sorry). No matter how much I tried to get used to Google when it was fashionable, but I could not get used to it - it does not give me good answers to what I am looking for - one slag comes across. And the archaic design from the 90s is not comfortable for me. At Yashka, on the contrary, everything is done for people.

Therefore, I use Google only when I need to look for something in the bourgeoisie in foreign languages. Which search do you like best?

I never go to Google or any other search engines when I use the Internet. Yandex gives me maximum opportunities, does not warm my head, does not create any problems, and I really like using Yandex. There is nothing more convenient for Yandex.

everything is very simple.

Everything works just fine in Yandex, it opens quickly, both the movies and the pages that I need, if I try through something else, then everything just doesn’t work. Programs are closed, the Internet does not work well, films are thrown off, if they go, then it is simply slowed down. Therefore, Yandex is irreplaceable for me.

I admire his work and am grateful to him that I can not waste my time just like that, I am glad that I can use it and not think about anything else, because nothing distracts me when working in Yandex. I can both download quickly and add my own music or video, also quickly, and all this works only with him.

Yes, and I’m already comfortable with working in Yandex, that is, I’m familiar, I know where everything is, which site is good, which is not, I know where to look. Therefore, I am not going to download other search engines for myself, I will only use Yandex, which is my friend in everything, which is faithful to me and has never let me down.

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