Disk defragmentation is not running what to do. What to do if disk defragmentation does not start

Most users have heard the phrase disk defragmentation, including on Windows 10, but they don’t know what it is and why. Actually, what a hard drive (screw) is for - everyone knows and its volume is remembered by heart.

The hard drive architecture is clusters - these are small parts for storing information. Our data is sequentially divided into small fragments and each is placed in a separate cluster. The smaller the file size, the fewer clusters it occupies, and vice versa.

To better imagine clusters and how they work, let's compare them with cells in a table. By the way, this zone is the general file table, which stores records with full descriptions. And files and directories smaller than 1500 bytes are completely located in the MFT (Master File Table). By deleting files, you clear the clusters - but they were stored in a chaotic order (cell 1, 15 and 23, etc.).

For example, you downloaded a movie in very good quality - about 10 Gb - it is divided into clusters and they should take their positions sequentially. With a heavy workload, there may not be a full-fledged sequence of free space. And so he finds free cells in total and writes there - this process is called fragmentation. When accessing a file, the hard drive begins to piece it together from different clusters - our cells - like a movie cut into pieces. Naturally, this slows things down.

One of the common questions is: "Disk defragmenter on Windows 10 and what is it." This is the process of optimizing clusters by creating a continuous sequence. So the logical circuit is restored -.

Is disk defragmentation necessary on Windows 10?

Starting with the 8th version of the OS, this process was called optimization. It is carried out independently by the system according to the planned schedule and does not require intervention. Defragmentation may be necessary if the performance of the computer has dropped. How to read on our website.
You still need to know where to find disk defragmentation on Windows 10. You need to go to "Explorer" → "This_Computer" → select any disk → right-click "Properties" → "Tools" → "Optimize".

You will see the Optimize Drives dialog box, where you can see several buttons, including information about the previous run and the current state. First, you need to know the state of affairs. Select the drive you need (if not selected will affect everyone). To do this, click "Analyze".

The analysis will not take very long - in case the hard drive is new or defragmentation was carried out earlier. After it will be seen what percentage of fragmentation. If it's small, you don't need to optimize.

How to Defragment a Disk on Windows 10

To do this, click on the "Optimize" button and a forced process will occur, it is worth noting that it is not always fast. The program runs in the background and does not require your presence.

As a result, you can see what the percentage of movement is, how many passes there were in defragmentation - it is almost impossible to predict its number, there can be either 27 or 15 - depending on:

  • technical characteristics of the computer;
  • hdd or ssd size;
  • occupied volume;
  • how effectively the information is placed;
  • the number of file deletions and writes;
  • analysis and defragmentation frequency.

What to do if it doesn't work

There are cases when disk defragmentation does not start in Windows 10. There may be several reasons.

  • One of the reasons is SSD. It does not need this procedure, since the solid state and the principle of its operation is different from the HDD. As for optimization, it is performed. The principle lies in the TRIM feature enabled by default, a command that allows the OS to report non-existent blocks in the file system and that they can be physically removed, extending the lifetime. In some cases, SSD defragmentation is performed automatically, so if security settings are enabled.

Decided to disable automatic defragmentation of an SSD drive in Windows 10, but don't know how? Select "Change settings" → and in the "Optimization schedule" uncheck "Run on schedule (recommended)" → OK. By the way, the principle of disabling defragmentation of an SSD and HDD is the same, disabling is also possible by stopping the service.

  • Another reason why the process may not work is the installation and further removal of a third-party defragmenter. First, you should check the status of system files: right-click "Start" → "Command Prompt (Admin)" → enter "sfc /scannow".

If the system files are damaged, repair them and run a disk defragmenter on Windows 10. Otherwise, we continue to look for the cause.

  • Check the status of the service: "Control Panel" → "Administrative Tools" → "Services" → in the list we find "Disk Optimization" → "Properties" → "Startup Type" → "Manual" → OK.

  • Still no way to defragment your drive on Windows 10? Let's check the related services, the status is "Automatic" and they should be running:
  1. "Module for launching DCOM-server processes";
  2. "RPC Endpoint Mapper";
  3. "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)".
  • Still unable to defrag your disk? Check the paging file settings: "Control Panel" → "Advanced system settings" → "Advanced" → "Settings" → tab "Advanced" → "Change" → there should be a checkmark "Automatically select the size of the paging file" → OK.

Does not work? Check the screw for critical errors and restore the OS.

Is Registry Defragmentation Necessary?

Defragmentation of the file system - this phrase has been heard by absolutely all users from the very beginning of the development of computer business in the world. On any computer there is an almost incalculable number of files with various extensions that perform various tasks. But these files are not static - they are constantly deleted, written and changed during the use of the operating system. The capacity of the hard disk is filled with files all over the place, because of this, the computer spends more processing resources than necessary.

Hard disk defragmentation is designed to keep the recorded files as organized as possible. Their parts, which are located in different places, are combined as close as possible to each other, as a result, the operating system spends much less resources to process them, and the physical load on the hard drive is significantly reduced.

Defragmenting connected drives on windows 7

It is recommended to defragment only those disks or partitions that are in constant use. Specifically, this applies to the system partition, as well as disks with a large number of small files. Defragmenting a multi-gigabyte collection of movies and music simply will not add speed, but will only create an unnecessary load on the hard drive.

Defragmentation can be performed both with the help of additional software and system tools.

If for some reason the user does not want or cannot use the standard defragmenter in the windows 7 operating system, there is a huge selection of specialized software that optimizes disks to improve the performance of the computer. This article will discuss the three most popular programs.

Method 1: Auslogics Disk Defrag

One of the most popular programs that is designed to defragment and optimize the file system on any type of media. It has a classic design, intuitive interface and a large number of positive reviews.

Method 2: Smart Defrag

The futuristic design is combined with powerful functionality that will easily analyze all disks, providing the user with detailed information, and then optimize the necessary partitions according to a given algorithm.

Method 3: Defraggler

A well-known defragmenter, which is famous for its simplicity and speed, at the same time being a powerful tool for bringing the file system in order.

Method 4: using the standard windows defragmenter

It is desirable to do defragmentation when the percentage of analysis exceeds 15% for the system partition and 50% for the rest. Maintaining order in the arrangement of files on disks will help to significantly speed up the response of the system and increase the efficiency of the user's work at the computer.

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How to defragment a disk in windows 7

A hard drive is a place where various files are stored. These are music, videos, games, programs, documents, and everything else that can be put into a computer. The technology algorithm divides each of them into several hundreds, or even thousands of fragments. This is used to make better use of free space. A really useful feature, but with scattered parts throughout the space, opening even a simple document can turn into a short symphony of searching for the right fragments by the windows operating system.

To put it simply, the computer starts to "slow down" and "fail". Especially if we are talking about ancient files that appeared in the last century, and they plan to open only in the next. But you can solve the problem, for this you should clean the disk and defragment it.

Preparing for defragmentation

Parts of one, even a small file, are very difficult to count. Naturally, this makes it difficult for the computer to work. Most of all, laptops suffer from this, hard drives of which can hardly be considered powerful.

In order to solve the problem, there is a special program for defragmenting the hard drive. Its principle of operation is very simple: all fragments of one file are combined, the data is processed faster. If you regularly use such software, then the operation of the windows operating system will be characterized by high performance.

But you don’t need to immediately start downloading the defragmenter in order to get the maximum effect, you should first clean it up. After all, the number of different unnecessary programs and files can be such that the computer administrator is surprised. These are not only those files that have been used for a long time, but have now become unnecessary. "Trash" includes both shortcuts that are reminiscent of video games from the early 2000s and temporary files used by browsers. Also, the remaining files of programs that cannot work on their own, and stubbornly wait for their "relatives", bring harm to the computer. And it’s better not to defragment all this, but immediately send it to the trash.

To clean all this manually, it will take several hours of time, and then, all the files cannot be found. Software developers took care of this and created a special cleaning program - CCleaner. And for defragmentation there is a program called Defraggler.

Process steps

In order to "cure" a hard drive, you need to go through 3 simple steps.

  • Downloading and installing the necessary programs;
  • Cleaning the disk from "garbage";
  • Disk Defragmenter;

At the first stage, everything is simple. Both CCleaner and Defraggler offer free versions of programs that can be downloaded from the official websites of the manufacturer.

They work great on the newest windows 8.1 or 10 operating systems, not to mention the "seven". There are also paid versions, but they are used for large scales, and free options can also do simple cleaning and defragmentation by 100%.


The second step is to open CCleaner and start working with it. The program has a tool with a clear and simple name "Cleaning". He himself will find those files that need to be deleted, and complete the process. System information will not be affected during cleaning. If the user constantly forgets his passwords, then it is better to disable clearing Cookies in the settings.

When the settings are made, you need to click on the "Analysis" button, it will find all the garbage on the computer. During the search process, the program will require you to close browsers (therefore, it is better to immediately print the article or study it in detail).

After that, CCleaner will display a whole list of files that should be deleted. If the user thinks that he still needs some file from the list, then you can simply uncheck the box. Start the removal process by clicking the "Clean" button. Done, the disk has become much cleaner.

For your information, CCleaner will not touch the user's work files, but there is also enough garbage among them. The audio and video files that were stored for future transportation to a mobile phone have long served their purpose, and windows no longer needs them. Finding them manually is very difficult. An old friend, CCleaner, will help in the situation. First you need to open the "Tools" menu, and then click on "Disk Analysis". The program makes it possible to analyze one specific disk, or all disks of the windows system at once. After that, you should make a choice of the type of data to be found.

Photos, songs, videos, and documents take up a lot of space, so you need to look for them. The program will show all files according to the specified parameters. You can work with them immediately, without leaving the cleaning program (rename, uninstall, delete).

Defrag with Defraggler

The program must be opened with administrator rights. In the upper corner, you need to select the disk that needs to be defragmented. On it, right-click to open the action window and click on "Disk Defragmenter". To select multiple disks, select them by holding down the Ctrl key.

In the process, the program will give a full report. You need to be prepared for the fact that defragmenting your hard drive will take a long time. But it is possible to select individual files in the "List of files" tab. You can also use a computer during defragmentation, but this will increase the duration of the process.

Defragmentation without installing additional programs

If there is no desire or opportunity to download Defraggler, then you can use the standard function of windows 7. To start it, you need to open the Start menu, enter "Defragmentation" in the search bar and press "Enter".

A program window will appear in which you need to select the disk of interest to us and click "Disk Defragmenter".


How to defragment a disk in windows 8, 7, vista and xp

Before describing how to defragment a disk, read about what defragmentation is and why it is needed:

What does DEFRAGMENT HARD DISK mean? In the course of work, you, of course, download or install various programs. Accordingly, they are located on the hard drive. Only over time they break up on the disk into fragments. And the more programs, the more fragments. And it is very difficult for the magnetic head to search for these files and put them together. Therefore, it is required to defragment all files on the screw. It's like looking for socks around the house. After all, if they are in one place, then the head does not hurt. Defragmentation joins PIECES of files that are scattered across the disk. Subsequently, the system runs faster, especially if you increase the swap file.

How to do disk defragmentation using the windows operating system:


or COMPUTER (MY COMPUTER for XP) - select the disk - right-click, then PROPERTIES - SERVICES - DEFRAGMENT. You can set up scheduled defragmentation and analyze the disk.

The disadvantage of defragmenting a hard drive using the windows operating system is that the defragmentation function does not work in the background, does not affect files in use, recycle bin files, paging and hibernation.

But using an analogue program that is faster than the standard one, you can defragment the entire disk, individual folders, files, free space, analyze the disk, plan the time and frequency of defragmentation, while continuing to work in other programs.

There are many such programs on the Internet, but one of the best is Defraggler for windows 8, 7, Vista and XP, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

You can download a free disk defragmenter program from the developer's official website by clicking on the link - http://www.piriform.com/defraggler/download/standard. The file of the free version of the program will automatically download to your computer.

Run and install the program on your computer:

With the help of the installed Defraggler program, you should defragment your hard disk once a month, preferably before doing a Registry Cleanup.

How to defragment a windows disk using Defraggler:

Open the program, go to ACTION. Click DEFRAGMENT THE DISK:

IN ACTION you will find and be able to defragment free space, which is recommended immediately after disk defragmentation, or defragment a file, folder, or a quick defragmentation:

Customize the program as you wish in SETTINGS, but inexperienced users are advised to leave "default".

By clicking on SCHEDULE in Settings, you can schedule the defragmentation of the selected drive. By going to DEFRAGMENT AT BOOT enable / disable defragmentation of system files at boot:

The simple interface of the Defraggler program will allow a novice user to easily understand it and regularly defragment a windows 8, 7, Vista and XP disk.

See also How to speed up your computer.

windows computer optimization

Save this helpful tip:


Disk defragmentation in windows

When writing any files to the hard drive, all information is distributed across clusters. If you decide to delete this or that file, the clusters with information will be erased, but instead of them there will be an empty space. Thus, the ordering of all files on the hard disk is violated. As a result, when reading information, the hard drive spends much more time searching for the right clusters, since they are scattered throughout the media. This leads to a noticeable slowdown of the computer as a whole. This process is called fragmentation.

Defragmentation allows you to clean up the internal space. This procedure arranges the arrangement of all clusters on the carrier, transferring them close to each other. After that, a noticeable increase in performance in resource-intensive applications and games. Let's see how to do disk defragmentation, and in what cases it is necessary.

When should you defragment your drive?

If you notice that the performance of a personal computer has dropped significantly, then optimization is required in this case. Long loading programs, opening files, copying also hint that it's time to optimize.

What software is used to defragment a hard drive?

Operating system XP, 7 and newer have built-in software to perform defragmentation. If you want to perform the procedure once, then you can use it. However, many note poor performance during the use of the standard utility. If you decide to use it, then follow these steps:

Consider how to make disk defragmentation a built-in utility:

  • First of all, click on the Analyze Disk button. This process will determine if an optimization needs to be performed on that partition of the drive. The procedure will take no more than a couple of minutes. As a result, you will receive information about the state of media fragmentation in percent (column "last run").
  • If 0% is fragmented, then you do not need to start the process. Otherwise, select a partition and click the Disk Defragmenter button at the bottom of the window. Disk defragmentation in windows 7 takes from half an hour to several hours.

Consider an example of how to defragment a disk on a schedule:

  • The standard program allows you to set a regular schedule for defragmentation. In the previous window, click the Set schedule... button.
  • In the window that opens, select the frequency, day, time, and partitions to be defragmented.
  • After completing the settings, click OK.

Now the switched on computer at the appointed time will automatically start the optimization procedure.

During this period of time, there may be a drop in performance, as the system is busy with a more important process.

According to the presented instructions, the hard drive is defragmented in Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10. Now let's figure out how to defragment the hard drive using a third-party program.

Optimizing with defragmenters

There are quite a few programs for defragmenting the system disk. Among them there are options for both advanced users and beginners. For example, consider a simple Defragger utility, the full free version of which can be downloaded from the official website of the developers. Download the distribution, install the software and run it. The program cleans up disks in OS 7, 8 and 10. To do this, use the instructions:

The defragmentable partition is not recommended to be used in the optimization process.

With the help of Defraggler, not only defragmentation of the system or external disk is carried out. You can also get information about the performance of the media, a list of files, or optimize each folder separately.

How to defragment a disk using Auslogics Disk Defrag

Another Auslogics Disk Defrag utility that allows you to quickly or completely defragment your hard drive. The main window of the program is very similar to Defraggler, so there should be no problems using it.

Consider the launch process:

Now you know how to defragment a hard drive, including an SSD, using standard windows tools or through third-party software.

Why is windows disk defragmentation not working?

Another software “fix” for faults in Windows, and today we’ll talk about why defragmentation does not work in Windows and how to deal with it.

Starting with Windows Vista, file defragmentation runs by default every morning at 1:00 am, and there is no need to start defragmentation manually. Such a frequent launch is not required, the schedule can be disabled. However, at hour X, when trying to start defragmentation, we may encounter a message that begins with the words


It's a shame. The function is extremely important for any hard disk spinning on a spindle. Let's fix this. If windows defragmentation does not work on the computer, I advise you to try a few steps. I will list them in sequence.

The very first reason : you installed some tricky defragmenter from the side. And then they removed it. If windows defragmentation does not work after such a case, you should know: the removed program left a bunch of traces in the system or was not deleted correctly at all. Let's run the traditional built-in diagnostic utilities for all occasions.

  • Let's run:

Still not defragmenting? Go ahead.

Let's check the hard drive. The following command refers already to checking global faults. Run the command console again as an administrator and select the drive letter you want to defragment and press Enter. Then type the command chkdsk /r. Your sequence of actions will look something like this (for example, I chose a non-system disk, operations with it will be unavailable for a while):

By the way, in the above command, the key /r detects bad sectors of the disk and tries to recover them.

Defragmentation not working again? We walk along the path:

Your end goal is to check the windows page file setting. Make sure the checkbox is checked. Believe me - disk defragmentation does not work if there is no paging file!

defragmentation not working again? And I have everything. Try system restore.

I hope it helped. Good luck.

Read: 3 705

Windows 7, like other operating systems, organizes data on disks in units called clusters. A cluster is the minimum disk space allocated by the file system to store a single file. Over time, files are written to the disk in a chaotic manner, which slows down your computer. In order to increase the speed of the hard disk heads accessing files by organizing them and increasing the speed of the computer, a disk maintenance tool called "Hard Disk Defragmenter" is used. After defragmentation, computer performance increases, according to various estimates, from 10 to 20%.

What is disk defragmentation for?

During operation, the file is written to the disk in consecutive sectors. In the future, during intensive work with the hard disk, when some files are written and others are deleted, a situation is created that if there is free space on the disk, files can be written to sectors on different parts of this disk. Such files are called fragmented.

Working with fragmented files requires an increase in time, since the read heads of the disk spend it moving to another position and reading information. When working with files written to consecutive sectors, the time of transferring heads to them is significantly reduced. When the proportion of fragmented files reaches a large size, the performance of the computer slows down significantly.

To overwrite files on a disk in the form of sequentially read sections, special defragmentation programs are used that allow you to shift information in the form of continuous sequences of clusters.

Programs have three modes:

  • analysis. The program analyzes the fragmentation of all sections and at the end of the analysis displays a full report;
  • defragment only fragmented files. The program offers this mode by default. The process of overwriting fragmented files does not take much time, and after its completion, the files are located on the disk not in a continuous section, but with gaps. The program simply connects the disparate pieces of one file, not paying attention to the free space, which leads to the formation of fragmented files when writing new information. This option is suitable for weekly defragmentation;
  • complete defragmentation. All files on the disk are ordered. This mode is suitable if defragmentation is performed once a month. It is better to perform it at a time when other programs are not used. This will speed up the completion of a full defragmentation.

The Hard Disk Defragmenter program runs in the background, so once launched, no further action is required. It must be remembered that during defragmentation, the disk must have at least 15% free space for transferring files.

How to run and perform disk defragmentation

Windows 7, unlike previous versions, has a built-in defragmentation utility developed by Microsoft. You can launch it in four ways.

Through the start menu

With the help of "Explorer"

Using the Run window

Using the Command Prompt window

Video: how to defragment a disk on Windows 7

How many passes will be performed during defragmentation

By default, defragmentation is programmed in two passes:

  • pass number 1 - used to defragment the disk;
  • passage number 2 - combines free space.

It all depends on several factors:

  • volume of fragmented files;
  • the size of the hard disk;
  • hard disk performance (writing, reading);
  • the amount of disk space used;
  • distribution of information on the disk;
  • frequency of defragmentation.

The last factor is the most important. If the disk has a large volume and has never been defragmented, then the number of passes can reach ten or more. This is because the file fragments are scattered all over the disk, and they are so small that two passes are not enough to complete their assembly.

What to do if disk defragmentation does not start

If a defragmentation fails to start or does not start at all, then a number of operations must be performed to eliminate the cause.

The first reason is that a defragmentation program or utility was installed on the computer from an unverified site, which did not work correctly. As a result, she was removed. After deletion, traces of the program remained in the system registry or system files, which prevent the standard utility from running. What to do in this case:

The second reason is that the defragmentation service is not working. What to do in this case:

In the list of services, you also need to check the status of services that affect the start of defragmentation:

  • "Module for launching DCOM server processes";
  • "RPC Endpoint Mapper";
  • "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)".

All of these services must be enabled and running.

The third reason is a hard drive failure. What to do:

  1. Launch the Run panel and enter the command "c: chkdsk / r", where c: is the drive selected for checking, and / r is the key to identify bad sectors and try to recover them.
  2. The utility will scan the hard drive for bad clusters and repair or close them.

If all this does not help, then you need to restart the operating system.

Defragmenting an SSD in Windows 7

Solid State Drives (SSDs) have grown in popularity in recent years. They have a number of advantages over magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs):

  • higher reliability;
  • noiselessness in work;
  • high-speed access to data.

Their volume is growing rapidly and already allows you to install an operating system on them, that is, make them the main ones. But the issue of limiting the cycles of rewriting information on them has not yet been resolved. Therefore, the question arises: is it necessary to do defragmentation on them?

More and more experts in the field of computer technology are coming to the conclusion that solid-state drives (SSDs) do not need defragmentation. This will not affect the performance of the storage medium and may even harm it. Disk defragmentation is a process of frequently rewriting information, and an SSD has a limited number of write cycles. Solid state drives have a built-in program that itself determines the amount of unnecessary information that is no longer used, and deletes it.

Only HDDs need defragmentation, because with a large fragmentation of files, the speed of the hard drive drops sharply. In an SSD, these actions do not occur, so files from different sectors are read at the same speed. Because of this, scheduled automatic defragmentation must be disabled in Windows 7.

Quick Disk Defragmenter

In addition to the "Hard Disk Defragmenter" utility built into Windows 7, there are third-party software products with similar functions. They are divided into two groups:

  • defragmentation programs;
  • defragmentation tools.

Programs include several subroutines for servicing hard drives. One such subroutine is the defragmenter. Its main difference from utilities is that it does not have a quick disk defragmentation function. First, analysis is carried out, and then defragmentation or full optimization.

Defragmentation programs are less effective than utilities in dealing with file fragmentation. This is due to the fact that the utilities are developed for the specific purpose of defragmenting the hard drive, and the programs are used to perform complex computer optimization, where one subroutine complements another from the kit.

Utilities are small programs with one single function - hard drive defragmentation. When installed, they can be built into startup and start working when you start Windows 7. They have the function of quick defragmentation without analysis.

Programs for defragmentation

Utilities for defragmentation

Video: Disk defragmentation with Auslogics Disk Defrag

When using your computer intensively, when downloading a large number of files and deleting them, you need to remember that regular defragmentation of your hard drive will help get rid of problems in the future. With this mode of operation, it is recommended to carry it out once a week. When working only with text files, you can defragment once a month. But in any case, it must be carried out.

If you ask any computer geek you know, one of the items that will most likely be mentioned is disk defragmentation. It is about her that I will write today everything that I know.

In particular, we will talk about what defragmentation is and whether it needs to be done manually on modern Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, whether it is necessary to defragment an SSD, what programs can be used (and whether these programs are needed) and how to defragment without additional programs on Windows, including using the command line.

If you have Windows 7, 8 or 8.1

In the latest versions of operating systems from Microsoft - Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, hard disk defragmentation starts automatically. In Windows 8 and 8.1, it occurs at random times when the computer is idle. In Windows 7, if you go into the defragmentation options, you will most likely see that it will run every Wednesday at 1am.

Thus, in Windows 8 and 8.1, the likelihood that you will need to manually defragment is unlikely. In Windows 7, this can happen, especially if after working at the computer you immediately turn it off and turn it on every time you need to do something again. In general, turning your PC on and off frequently is a bad practice and is more likely to cause problems than having your PC turned on 24/7. But this is a topic for a separate article.

But in Windows XP there is no automatic defragmentation, which is not surprising - the operating system is more than 10 years old. Thus, defragmentation will have to be done manually on a regular basis. How regularly? It depends on how much data you download, create, rewrite back and forth and delete. If games and programs are installed and removed daily, you can run defragmentation once a week or two. If all the work consists in using Word and Excel, as well as sitting in contact and classmates, then monthly defragmentation will be enough.

In addition, you can set up automatic defragmentation in Windows XP using the Task Scheduler. Only it will be less "intelligent" than in Windows 8 and 7 - if in modern OS defragmentation will "wait" when you are not working on the computer, then in XP it will be launched regardless.

Do I need to use third-party programs to defragment my hard drive?

This article would be incomplete without mentioning disk defragmentation programs. There are a large number of such programs, both paid and those that can be downloaded for free. Personally, I haven't done any such tests, but Internet searches didn't give a clear indication of whether they are more effective than the built-in defrag utility in Windows. There are only a few possible advantages of such programs:

  • Fast work, own settings for automatic defragmentation.
  • Special defragmentation algorithms to speed up computer boot.
  • Built-in additional features, such as defragmenting the Windows registry.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, the installation, and even more so the purchase of such utilities, is not a very necessary thing. In recent years, hard drives have become faster and operating systems smarter, and if a slight HDD fragmentation ten years ago led to a noticeable decrease in system performance, today this hardly happens. Moreover, few of the users with today's volumes of hard disks are filled to capacity, so the file system has the ability to place data in an optimal way.

Free Disk Defragmenter Defraggler

Just in case, I will include in this article a brief reference to one of the best free disk defragmentation programs - Defraggler. The developer of the program is Piriform, which you may know from its CCleaner and Recuva products. You can download Defraggler for free from the official website http://www.piriform.com/defraggler/download. The program works with all modern versions of Windows (starting from 2000), 32-bit and 64-bit.

Installing the program is quite simple, in the installation options you can configure some options, for example, replacing the standard Windows defrag utility, as well as adding Defragler to the disk context menu. All this is in Russian, if this factor is important to you. Otherwise, using the free Defragler program is intuitive and defragmenting or analyzing a disk will not be a problem.

In the settings, you can set automatic scheduled defragmentation, optimize system files when the system boots, and many other options.

How to do defragmentation with built-in Windows tools

Just in case, if you suddenly do not know how to defragment in Windows, I will describe this simple process.

Disk Defragmenter in Windows Using the Command Prompt

All the same that was described a little higher and even more, you can do with the command defrag at the Windows command prompt (command prompt must be run as an administrator). Below is a listing of reference information on using defrag to defragment a hard drive in Windows.

Microsoft Windows (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>defrag Microsoft Disk Optimizer (c) Microsoft Corporation 2013. Description: Optimizes and merges fragmented files on local volumes to improve system performance. defrag syntax<тома>| /c | /E<тома> [<задачи>] ] where<задачи>or not specified (regular defragmentation), or specified as follows: /A | | /o | /X Or, to track an operation already in progress on the volume: defrag<том>/T Options Value Description /A Analyze the specified volumes. /C Perform operation on all volumes. /D Standard defragmentation (default). /E Performs the operation on all volumes except those specified. /H Run the operation at normal priority (low by default). /K Optimize memory on the selected volumes. /L Re-optimize the selected volumes. /M Run the operation simultaneously on each volume in the background. /O Optimize using the appropriate method for the media type. /T Monitor an operation that is already in progress on the specified volume. /U Display the progress of the operation on the screen. /V Print detailed fragmentation statistics. /X Merges free space on the specified volumes. Examples: defrag C: /U /V defrag C: D: /M defrag C:\mountpoint /A /U defrag /C /H /VC:\WINDOWS\system32>defrag C: /A Microsoft Disk Optimization (c ) Microsoft Corporation 2013. Call parsing on (C:)... Operation completed successfully. Post Defragmentation Report: Volume Details: Volume Size = 455.42 GB Free Space = 262.55 GB Total Fragmented Space = 3% Maximum Free Space = 174.79 GB Fragmentation statistics do not include fragments of files larger than 64 MB. Defragmentation of this volume is not required. C:\WINDOWS\system32>

That's probably almost everything I can tell you about disk defragmentation in Windows. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.

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