How to stream on youtube from android - full instructions. How to stream Android games Customize the picture in OBS

If a few years ago it was difficult to imagine that through mobile smartphone If you can organize online broadcasting, then today it is already a reality.

Now everyone YouTube user maybe broadcast any events using your gadget.

So, you can answer questions, post the latest news, play - and all this will be able to see your fans in online mode……………………………..

→ In addition, a service was recently launched where gamers can post their streams, reviews and much more

Now, to stream to YouTube from Android, you only need a mobile gadget and a special application.

However, there is little systematic information on the web on how to stream to YouTube via Android.

In this article, we will reveal all the secrets and details of this issue. . ↓↓↓

Best Broadcast Methodsvia Android

YouTube is a territory of free space with unlimited possibilities, where you can relax, communicate and work. One of the most intensively developing functions is translations……… is a great tutorial on how to do it

3. Broadcast on YouTube Gaming. As mentioned above, YouTube has a special service where you can stream games and other interesting content. Here you will quickly have fans and admirers of creativity. Passing Android games and more are very popular. To stream you need to download special program for android.

How to start broadcasting via smartphone: detailed instructions

We will not describe the manual for all programs, but we will choose only one utility, according to which we will prepare the algorithm. Below you can see the steps you need to follow to start streaming on YouTube through your mobile smartphone. ↓↓↓

Step 1 . Download app

Go to Play market from your mobile gadget and find the program Gusher Screen Broadcaster, then install it. With the help of software, you can stream images from the screen, as well as from the camera.

→ Now you should run the utility on your smartphone.

Step 2. Program settings

First of all, we enter data to access the account. Now specify the video resolution in the settings, and you can also turn on the camera if necessary.

→ After you have set everything, you can start streaming.

Step 3 launch

To start broadcasting on the main page, you need to select the name of the broadcast, as well as the type of stream, and then click on "Create Event".

Wait for the inscription "Start Broadcasting" to appear and click on it.

To check how it works and is it really streaming from Android, you should go to " Video manager' and make sure the event is created.

The video will be broadcast with a slight delay, however, there are no significant differences from the usual stream.

Thus, we have considered all the popular ways that will help you create interesting broadcasts through Android and increase the number of fans, as well as diversify the broadcast format.

To date, the YouTube service has firmly established itself as the leader of the global Internet media market. Just a few years ago, running your own YouTube channel was difficult and required certain skills, experience, and special equipment. Today, in order to organize a live broadcast to your channel, it is enough to have a modern smartphone with a high-quality camera. Each Internet user can register his own channel and broadcast live on it any events that may be of interest to viewers. Today we will tell how to stream from phone to youtube channel. The subject of content can be anything - news about your city or the broadcast of your game, it does not matter.

To organize an online stream on your channel, you need a smartphone or tablet with installed application. We will talk about how best to choose a device at the end of the article, and first we will focus on the technical issues of creating a broadcast.

Translation Methods

YouTube is an excellent platform for creativity and individual development, where everyone has equal opportunities. You can start your channel at any age and at any time. Today this direction is one of the most promising and rapidly developing. Let's start with a simple definition. A stream, or video broadcast, is an online broadcast directly to your YouTube server channel, where all users of the service can already watch this video. You can broadcast an image to the channel, both from the camera of a smartphone or other device, and transfer video directly from the screen of a mobile gadget. We emphasize that all this became possible, including due to the availability of high-speed 4G LTE data networks.

Today, you can use one of two methods to organize a stream broadcast from your smartphone.

Via computer
For this method, you will need the Intel® INDE Media Pack and the Wowza Streaming Engine. The meaning of the method lies in the fact that at first the video stream from the mobile gadget is transferred to the PC, and from it to the YouTube channel. This method was used earlier, but today it is losing its relevance. Although some streamers remain faithful to him.

Via App
If recently few could imagine how to stream from an Android phone, today it is enough to install one of the many applications available in the Play Market service catalog. This method is the simplest and most effective - there is no need for additional programs and services. All the necessary settings can be made in the interface of the application itself.

Streaming Apps

To have high quality video on your channel, it is important not only to have a device with a great camera. Equally important is the stability of the Internet connection. We also recommend using additional accessories - tripods, selfie sticks, etc. All this contributes to obtaining a stable and high-quality image. Of course, special attention should be paid to the choice of application. Moreover, today there are plenty to choose from. We will briefly discuss three of the most popular solutions for streaming from your phone.

Screen Stream Mirroring

This is a great application for organizing broadcasts from your smartphone. It is easy to use and has a wide range of features. The functionality of the program allows you to organize a live broadcast from the screen of your smartphone to such popular resources as YouTube, Twitch, Ustream, Facebook, etc. This is best app for those who decide to create a channel and broadcast their games there online. The application also allows you to create a screen recording and save it to a file.

The utility is configured automatically. To understand how to stream from your phone to Twitch or YouTube through this application, simply go to the appropriate section of the menu and follow the instructions.

Note that the full-featured version of the application is paid. However, all users have the opportunity to evaluate its work during the test period. Free version limited, and does not provide all the features in comparison with the PRO version.

Gusher Screen Broadcaster

Another application with which you can organize a stream broadcast from your smartphone. After launch, the application will prompt you to enter the details of the account of the YouTube channel to which you plan to connect. After that, you need to put a mark in the menu that allows broadcasting. That's all - the program is configured as simply as possible, while it differs in functionality and excellent performance.

YouTube Gaming

How to start streaming your video

Since there are many applications for broadcasting videos to YouTube channel using a smartphone, we will not describe detailed instructions for each utility. Let's focus on one, with the simplest interface and settings. This is Gusher Screen Broadcaster app.

To start broadcasting, download the program from the Play Market service and install it in the memory of your smartphone. To start broadcasting you need:

Launch the application;
. Set up the program, for which you enter data to access your channel and specify video settings, turn on the camera, etc .;
. Start streaming.

To start broadcasting, enter the name of your broadcast and select the type of stream. After that, you can start transferring the video directly to your channel. The broadcast will begin after you click on the inscription "Start Broadcasting". You can check the creation of an event and the presence of a broadcast in the Video Manager. Keep in mind that the broadcast per channel will have a slight time delay.

How to choose a smartphone for streaming

What requirements should the smartphone that you plan to use to organize an online broadcast on your YouTube channel meet? First of all, you need to have a high-quality camera, a powerful productive processor and the ability to connect to high-speed Internet. For this, it is best to use dual-sim models. This allows, firstly, to choose the most favorable tariffs for calls and for the Internet, and secondly, it provides a backup channel for connecting to the network from a second SIM card. Another important factor is the availability of sufficient memory - it will be required to install applications and store files.

It is fair to assume that mobile device with such rather serious requirements cannot be cheap. Indeed, powerful modern smartphones from world-famous companies can cost from 50 thousand rubles and more. But what should a novice streamer do in this case, who has a limited budget for purchasing a gadget? There is an exit. We recommend paying attention to the flagship models of young companies that are just starting to make their way in this market segment.

The models of the British company Wileyfox have a very interesting price / quality ratio for users. This brand appeared on the market in October 2015. Enough time has passed to give an objective assessment of his products. And users speak with approval of the Wileyfox family of smartphones. Today, devices with a cute fox face on the back, which is the company's corporate logo, have become an indicator of a powerful, productive smartphone with an attractive modern design.

Note that each model of the British brand has certain advantages. So, without exception, all Wileyfox smartphones support two SIM cards. Moreover, each slot can be used to connect to high-speed 4G Internet. At the same time, each model has a bright attractive design and excellent technical specifications. The best choice for a beginner streamer would be the company's flagship model Wileyfox Swift 2 X.

Wileyfox Swift 2 X

This is a modern, powerful and productive smartphone with an original design and excellent performance. The device received a Full HD IPS display with a diagonal of 5.2 inches. Today, this is the optimal size that allows you to operate the device with one hand and at the same time provides an excellent opportunity to watch videos, photos and read pages on the Internet. Thanks to the slightly rounded 2.5D screen edges, the device looks really stylish and modern.

For broadcasting video, the performance of the device is important. And in the Wileyfox Swift 2 X model, this is all right - the smartphone is equipped with a powerful modern 8-core Qualcomm MSM8937 processor. In addition, high performance and stability is ensured by the presence of 3 GB of RAM. The device also provides 32 GB of internal memory, it is possible to use microSDXC memory cards up to 128 GB. The model is armed with an excellent camera with a resolution of 16 megapixels that supports shooting video in Full HD.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the smartphone can work with two SIM cards. Moreover, in order to select a slot for connecting to 4G Internet, you do not need to change SIM cards in places - just specify the one you need through the device menu. A pleasant bonus for the user will be the implementation of modern technologies in the device - a fingerprint method for identifying the owner and the presence of an NFC module. It is also important that the smartphone supports Quick Charge 3.0 fast battery charging technology. Thanks to this, in just 10 minutes, you can charge the battery to 25% of its capacity, and it takes only 1.5 hours to fully charge.

Today, Wileyfox Swift 2 X can be purchased at the most attractive price - on the official website, the device is available for order for only 12,990 rubles.


Now you know that anyone can start their own YouTube channel. For this, you do not need to have special knowledge and skills. And most importantly, it is not necessary to spend big money on a smartphone. At the initial stage, you can successfully use a powerful and modern model of the budget segment.

The Internet and the gaming industry is developing in a vein where users are increasingly spending their time watching live broadcasts rather than playing toys themselves. It's all about the capabilities of a computer or smartphone - some users cannot afford to play new shooters on their computers, but see what is there and how they want. On a smartphone, it’s convenient to watch some kind of broadcast when your hands are busy - while cooking, eating this very food, while traveling via 3G, at work, while no one is watching. Gradually, a trend will appear on the network to stream (broadcast) a mobile game to the Twitch network. That is, when you show on the Internet not a computer game, but a mobile one. Today we decided to tell you about the first option to stream a mobile game - using an Android emulator. We have already told how you can play, now it's time to put it on the network.

Download emulator and game

We prefer the BlueStacks emulator for ease of installation and support for most gaming products. While you're putting the app on download, it's worth considering what kind of mobile game you want to stream. It should be noted right away that no one will watch runners, races, shooters and casual games like three-in-a-row. A shooter and a race will be inconvenient due to mouse control in the emulator, and there is no point in streaming casual games - they are not interesting for viewing from the outside. It is best to show the game in some kind of real-time strategy. People are watching, learning, watching your trial and error, asking questions, and you can respond immediately. We chose Clash of Clans because of its popularity on the Internet and the ability to calmly be distracted by questions from viewers in the chat. You will download and install the emulator, select your game and run it in the emulator.

Adjusting the image in OBS

The fact is that the picture on the emulator will not fully stretch to the entire window in the stream. Tablets have a slightly different aspect ratio and there is no way to adjust the size of the emulator. We advise you to stretch the window to the width of the monitor, then lower it down a little so that the stripes below and above are the same. Then you can add an overlay there and everything will look even more beautiful. Finally, you can add your webcam, text and some image for beauty. We do not litter the screen, the process of the game itself should be in the foreground.

Launching the stream

To start the broadcast, you need to register on the Twitch network and find the broadcast key in the settings there. We enter it in the OBS profile settings and after setting all the parameters for ourselves (bitrate, picture, compression, sound, and so on), you can safely start broadcasting. On the Twitch website itself, we advise you to look for the name of your game - if there is one, then the broadcast will have more chances to gain viewers. You should also add a description to your channel and communicate with viewers more often, if any. Actually, this is where all the settings end.


We have only talked about the simplest elements of broadcasting a mobile game. It's interesting and fun - you sit, drink tea and play your favorite mobile game on PC, and people watch and chat with you. Soon we will also tell you how to add an overlay to your channel (an overlay of images that covers black bars), how you can broadcast gameplay directly from your smartphone or tablet, and give a couple of tips on how to grow your channel. Today, all you need to start broadcasting is the Internet and a couple of minutes of free time - why not try it.

Comments and Reviews How to Stream Android Games

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